This movie is such a wild card: you can't tell where the story is actually going and what the end is gonna tell. After it ends, you are still left wondering. Many meme-able moments, and sadly every workplace nightmare still occurs daily for the masses.
4th HIIFF #9 +映后小兰导演还是很真诚地表达了创作的初衷男生最后几下为什么会加速只是实验电影面临的口碑风险或许不是故事逻辑或技法的创新是否会挑战观众而是是否会被实验电影这个标签所框住而并不明确自己想表达的主旨是“Trip to the lost days”还是“拥有对过去遗忘的权利”主心骨一模糊哪怕小兰心中的那道aura再清晰因为想要借琐碎的梦的意象对已然清晰的主旨留白反而会有两边不讨好的后果新人导演不易多一星鼓励